YOUR back-end organized. in less than a week.
without having to do anything.

having your real estate business

run like a real business

has never been easier

You jumped into real estate head first and might not have expected to be so successful in such a short time. Since you've been in the game for a minute, you're realizing that you actually have no idea what the heck you're freaking doing... at least when it comes to the business side of your business.

But where do you start? How do you begin to organize all of those Untitled Documents and spreadsheets with information written that you're not even really sure of? You're wishing you could just wave a magic wand and have someone come in and fix it all up for you. You're wishing for the operational clarity that you're desperate for, without having to lift a finger. 

do you ever lay in bed at night and wonder how you got here?

Your wish is my command.

please help

How would your life change if you could have someone put the systems you're lacking in place for you? Because right now, you’re not just drowning in leads and managing client expectations. You don't know what KPI stands for, let alone how to find them in your own business. You're drowning in the feeling like you should be doing more, but you have no idea what that looks like.

You want to make better business decisions, but don't know how to start doing that. You want to make sure you're seeing a return on your investments, but what does that actually mean? You want to stop crying when it comes to tax season, yet you grab the tissue box  another year in a row.

Stop what you're doing and ask yourself:

what if you could wake up every day without the operational overwhelm?

There is a way to get your business running like you want it to.




Love Notes

-Melissa lewis, hive transactions

I now have an incredible system set up to automatically track our incoming business and progress towards our goals. The time Lauren saved me from needing to learn a massive amount of new information has been amazing! 

Calling all busy entrepreneurs!

-Lauren Hale

Marzipan lollipop marzipan cotton candy dragée. Ice cream candy canes marzipan jelly gummi bears jelly sesame snaps macaroon cookie. Chocolate cake carrot cake apple pie. 

Jujubes ice cream carrot cake gummi bears fruitcake sweet roll icing. 

-Lauren Hale

Marzipan lollipop marzipan cotton candy dragée. Ice cream candy canes marzipan jelly gummi bears jelly sesame snaps macaroon cookie. Chocolate cake carrot cake apple pie. 

Gummies cake marzipan sweet roll gummies marshmallow.


The hands-off service that gives the busy real estate agent business systems that they can understand and be confident in... in one week (or less!)

okay, okay... we'll get on with it

Customized business hub to ensure that all details of your business are easily accessible.

Business audit to assess current situation and needs.

what's in it for you?

Delivery and review call to make sure you know how to use your new system.

30 days of support because we know that sales is your jam, not operations. We don't leave you hanging while you're getting used to it.

Data localizing to get all information about clients, transactions, income, expenses, and a heck of a lot more in one central place.

Automatic integrations from your CRM to give you peace of mind that you'll never lose a lead's info again.

Okay, okay. I know we said you didn't have to lift a finger. But we do need juuuust a little bit of information to get started. So once you choose your start date, you'll get our onboard form for you to fill out prior to the start date. It's not extensive, but I'd start gathering some of your logins now.

Get Your Onboard Form

Step 03.

Our Database Turnaround service does have a slight wait list, but that's because we pride ourselves on the *quality over quantity* mentality. We don't rush through it, so your start date may be a couple weeks out from today. If you're needing this like, yesterday, let us know in the inquiry form.

Choose Your Start Date

Step 02.

Click here to fill out an inquiry form so I can learn more about you, your business, and your goals. If your goals align with what CoreOps can provide, we'll book an introduction call to go over any more questions that we each may have.

Fill out an Inquiry

Step 01.

How it Works

"Lauren is the perfect fit for agents/teams who want to get to the next level. Operations and having a clear foundation is extremely important however as agents we are focused on selling homes. When the back end and the systems are in place it is truly amazing what can happen."

focus on what you do best

what they're saying

-Kelsea doucakis; north star home group, keller williams


But it's about time you've got your sh*t together.

you could...


But you're not sure you need the overhead salary right now.

hire an admin to help

But you're unsure where to start first.

find the time

at coreops collective

We don’t organize things in a way that's complicated to continue using. We customize your database in a way that makes sense for you, that you'll utilize, and that gives you the information most important to you and your business.

This done-for-you service is intentional based off of your goals and needs. We don't rush through it, but we make sure we're getting ALL of your bases covered to give the operational clarity you so desperately want.

$999 one time fee |
one week or less delivery



In less than a week, you can have your business running like... an actual business. You know, with systems and procedures clarity, that kinda stuff. Where everything has a place and data can easily be found. Without you spending any more time than the two calls we'll have together to get it done. 

we take signups on a first come first serve basis

to maintain the quality of the service

Right now we're on a 2-3 week wait time, so book soon!

- lauren jerden-myers; affinity home partners, exp REALTY

"The Database Turnaround service is perfect for any real estate agent wanting to learn how to run their 9-5 like a business. For those who want to increase efficiency and decrease stress. We don't make business decisions without Lauren's input anymore."


- Client NAme

Tiramisu halvah lollipop candy canes I love liquorice sesame snaps lollipop cheesecake. Jelly-o pie pie pastry halvah. Chocolate cake gingerbread jujubes chupa chups dessert I love pudding jelly-o. 

This course transformed my business!

what others are saying



Listen, I've been there. I've gotten wrapped up in a service that just really wasn't what I thought it would be. Which is why, if for any reason you're not thrilled with your database turnaround service, we will revise it until you are.

My guarantee to you is that I will work to find you a solution that works for your business, one that you can be confident in. Even if that means I'm working overtime, without you paying any more than you already have.

Okay, but what's the catch?


learn more

Many moons ago, I was the admin that was hired by a supervisor who didn’t know how and didn’t have time to train me. But the company was growing FAST and I had to keep up. And what that meant was I made roughly 7000 mistakes. I’ve learned from more trials and errors than I can count. I know what needs to happen to build a strong foundation, because I learned what needed to be in place when it broke. I oversaw the closing of more than 3000 transactions, the recruitment and training of over 150 real estate agents, and the opening of 20 expansion team locations. I know what it takes to operate effectively at a high level. And I know how to take a business owner’s vision and help make it a reality.

I’m lauren

have we met yet?

i'm ready!

a database turnaround service isn't for everyone


have the desire to have an effective and efficient operating system 

have goals set for the future

you need to:

how do you know what systems i need?

wow, you made it down here!

From experience, mostly. But I also listen to what your goals are and strategize from there! I've got some years of real estate operations experience under my belt and have worked with a range of real estate professionals, from solo agents who are brand new to the industry to real estate teams with 150+ agents.

what if i need help after the service is provided?

Then reach out to us, silly! We give you 30 days of support, but it's more like lifetime support for technical questions because we want this system to be useful for the long run. 

do you have a team to help you do this?

I do! I have a fantastic team that I've personally worked with for 5+ years that help me with this service. However, any and all of your information is confidential.

how do you collect all of my data?

For this, you do have to allow us access to your document management system, CRM, any spreadsheets, documents, pictures of your notes scribbled in your notebooks, napkins, whatever your current method looks like! We've received screenshots from Notes apps and pictures of planners, so I promise we've seen it all.

will i really have it all back in a week?

Or less, yep! Depending on the volume of the previous business you've done, you could get it back in less than a week, but we give ourselves 7 full days *just in case.*

Still have questions?

Reach out at or
send me a message here.

what if i don't have any data to collect?

We do have a digital download DIY version of the database turnaround that isn't offered on our website *yet,* but if you email me at I'd be happy to sell you a copy of it to get your business started on the right foot.

will you teach this system to my future admin?

That goes along with our Strategy to Scale program, so yes! While your database will come with a video collection, as well as notes and guides to give an overview, our Strategy to Scale program goes much, much more in depth on taking your business to the next level (and then the one after that, and after that...)

let's do this!

if you're ready to say goodbye to the overwhelm of your business's back end

let's be pen pals


I promise, it's not *another* newsletter that's just trying to sell you stuff. Honestly, it's a lot of me talking about all the mistakes I've made and learned from. Scouts honor, it ain't spam.